Monday, January 18, 2010

Dow Jones Stock List What Will The Stock Market/Dow Jones Do Tomorrow?

What will the stock market/Dow Jones do tomorrow? - dow jones stock list

I do not know much about the financial markets is not my area, but I wonder how all this is that the market will do in the future?

Could it be something to stabilize and ends at about the same today are shot or collapse completely?

What is your proposal?


robe said...

Based on the fact that the market ended with 600, but after closing located at -778, is to start down and relax looking for a reason - New State Rescue - himself. Is expected to vary a lot during the day on the market perception of the press all day

These markets are hard to read in a day or intraday basis, but there are plenty of storing energy for a big event, if / when you terminate the contract.

Note that no one jumped out the window in 1929 - is a myth. We are far from level 29, while the U.S. Federal Reserve to take countermeasures against the use of cash. We have a plan for this purpose.

robe said...

Based on the fact that the market ended with 600, but after closing located at -778, is to start down and relax looking for a reason - New State Rescue - himself. Is expected to vary a lot during the day on the market perception of the press all day

These markets are hard to read in a day or intraday basis, but there are plenty of storing energy for a big event, if / when you terminate the contract.

Note that no one jumped out the window in 1929 - is a myth. We are far from level 29, while the U.S. Federal Reserve to take countermeasures against the use of cash. We have a plan for this purpose.

Valentine gifts accepted said...

The sound you hear is the crash.
80 years ago, executives jumped out the window, now the middle class will jump out the window.

bonnie w said...

Are you further away from what will be ....

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