Friday, February 19, 2010

Itchy Breast For Growth Is My Period Coming Soon?

Is my period coming soon? - itchy breast for growth

I had stomach pains down my bladder about 4ish weeks. Last night I had two inches of acute pain on my leg and several inches of my Will Jay-Jay. And about a month, she felt a little sticky film that more or less, of course, is dim in my mouth, Jay-Jay. This habit in my pants. And when it dries it becomes yellowish-white as a lot of things that you have sand in their eyes, but they all meet. I still have my period, but I began to germinate and I wear a 32A, but maybe a 34A. I'm 14th My sister, I think I had breasts on her Birthday 14 March, so that by the end of the year. Or maybe she was 15, was no longer remember. But I am very excited to have my period, so that wPatients have larger breasts and larger hips. So I feel more responsibility, because most of my friends have had them, and breasts. My family has big breasts. My mother is like a D. Little, and my sister is 16 and wears a 34C. So you can not just understand me and know if my time is very fast, or that this vaporous substance is normal. And I was crazy, just itching are very soft / soft, I have an explosion and his tremendous growth, and things are always a little crazy and happy as anything. Finally, stress can delay the period, and all these things are normal? I also got very bad headaches and such, and things really clear yellowish low yield is now not just between the lips of my vagina are held, and has 3 times and did not now waA lot! Should I be prepared for it in the next 2 weeks or longer? "Tell me what you know! Thank you:]

PS If you give me if guestamate: days, weeks, months or years that would help!

1 comment:

__A_YAHO... said...

In the 13 and I started my period last month. I had white stuff out of my 'go-Jay-Jay! "For more than 3 years.The white matter, a sign for a time, but will come when comes.There" no cause for concern, because if your weight as an appetite there is the possibility that come the time for girls . but in the variety of "big" women (like me) tend to start earlier than the search for smaller waisted.If delayed puberty, your time is too.Also the end I was starting the last of my friends, my time and I was very happy if my did.I be nothing, "concern, but if you also 17 and still no time then, you see a doctor for the body should not perhaps suggest that if your sure.No period that the brainn, if we want the "female hormones" that your time comes, hips and chest is bigger HUGE.Trust I had not so far as wildfire liberate! My mother says it's best start to the post office, as a nuisance and you have up to 58, but I do with my time, because it makes me feel grown up:)

Sorry its long-x: / All manuscripts

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